ÄI Tool Will Help Make YouTube Searches Efficient

ÄI – All In One Advanced Search is a tool that offers additional search parameters for YouTube. Unlike YouTube’s advanced search, you get flexible filters like the option to look up the exact term, exclude a term, hashtag, or playlist.
In addition, you can search for videos from a specific channel. You can also search for videos whose title or URL includes a specific keyword.
Honestly, none of this is impossible with the default search. However, the caveat is that you will have to remember complex search operations to make use of it. For instance, you will have to use the minus operator (-) before the search keyword in your query if you want to exclude it from the results. Since the tool redirects you to YouTube anyway, it has the potential to fit right into your YouTube browsing routine.
YouTube is not the only platform supported on All In One Advanced Search. You can also use the tool with Google, DuckDuckGo, Twitter, and Reddit. If you’re interested, you can try out the tool over here. And don’t forget to share your thoughts on it in the comments below.